NEWS – I’m still here.

Time has flown. Little has happened here on the website. But I can say lots is happening in the background.

Apart from my full time job in advertising, I’ve been working on a few things.

One in particular is a Faery Project which I’m doing with Tiny Owl Workshop. It will be a project that I hope will excite and attract a few writers around the world. I’m busy making things and doing lots of research.

I’ve also been doing the next stage for Lane Of Unusual Traders. Thinking and conjuring up areas of interest that I hope will inspire more stories from writers. Stage 3 will have more features that will influence certain areas. I’ve also added a business in Stage 3 that will work its way through the lanes.

And, I’m constantly doing artwork. Sunday sketches is also still happening and you can find these through my Twitter accound @tezzabold.

Word Hunters has also bubbled to the surface again in a different format. Stay tuned for more.